Saturday, April 9, 2011


today was a busy day. yesterday jesse had the day off from work so, with the help of kev, he rewired and switched out all our old, yellow electrical outlets and toggle light switches for new, more modern white ones. anyways, since they rewired they switches yesterday, jesse and i spent a good hour and a half putting all of the covers back on. i never thought that white light switches would be exciting but let me tell you, they really were. after living for 2 months without plate covers in nearly every room of your house you really begin to appreciate how little things, like plate covers, can make a room feel just that much closer to being finished.
half way through changing the covers jesse got tired and had to take a little nap
so, while jesse napped i finished putting the covers back on. while i was finishing putting the plates back on in the basement i realized that we had not yet posted pictures of jesse's magnificent man cave. ironically, the man cave is the only room in the house that is more or less completely finished. i guess jesse had been collecting various man cave material for years - luckily, it payed off in the decorating department.

this is our bar - pretty bad ass, i know

now that the light switches and plug in's have been changed over the man cave is almost finished - all we have to do is spruce up some of the shelving units in the back and it will be completely finished. it is nice to have almost a whole room exactly how you want it when everything else is such a mess. honestly, it is getting very overwhelming; my list of things to accomplish after we get back from mexico is getting longer and longer. i really want to be able to get registered and send my invitations out by end of may/beginning of june, but i also need to train emi and finish unpacking. there are still tons of boxes left to up pack and a few rooms left to organize...

slowly but surely things are getting done though. i am starting to really like my kitchen. my mom kindly bought me some awesome green placemats that match the new table cloth i bought perfectly. jesse hates the table cloth - frankly, that is just too bad because i love it. i think it brings colour into the room and that is always a good thing.

lastly, we also finally set up our patio furniture! i love it. i wasn't able to take pictures of it yet though since we didn't build it until later in the day and were running late for mama jones' birthday dinner. tomorrow i will take some shots and upload them to show everyone.