Monday, July 4, 2011

emzilla and camping

 i know i keep saying that our dog is becoming massive in almost every blog post but she really is. when we took her to the vet on thursday the 23rd she was almost 33 lbs. the following tuesday jesse hopped on the scale with her again and she is about 38 which means in 4 days she gained almost 5 lbs. we should have clued in since she seems to be constantly starving, eating up to six cups of good quality dog food a day. we are scared to weigh her again...
emi in may about a week after we got her
emi about 2 weeks ago - growing like a weed

luckily, she seems happier than ever. we took her to this really amazing dog park by our house and she had an absolute blast. i am beginning to think that the dog park may create some sort of complex for jesse and i since nearly every person we run into goes off at length about how beautiful her colouring is and temperament and personality are. luckily, she is beginning to really catch onto her training. it made camping with about 10 of our friends this weekend just that much easier.

since it was canada day long weekend we hopped into the car friday morning and went camping in cochrane for the weekend.

emi enjoying the mountain air on the drive up to the campsite

making a cooking stick

emi bringing us presents.
jesse playing newfie golf
the weather was beautiful so that made the entire weekend a complete success. the group of us brought up newfie golf, boccie ball and beer darts. basically, we just hung out and enjoyed ourselves and the amazing weather. we were really impressed with emi. she was completely laid back and respectful towards everyone - we could tell she was really enjoying being able to roam free in woods. whenever she drifted too far we would call her name and she would come running. we didn't have to tie her up once.  all and all it was an awesome weekend.