Wednesday, February 15, 2012

i heart you

yesterday was valentine's day!

i know a lot of people believe that valentine's day is simply a commercial holiday created by corporate giants to make an extra buck or two but i think i may have to disagree. obviously, i do not believe that you need to buy your significant fancy jewelry, a bouquet of flowers, or an incredibly over priced valentine's day card (the one i bought jesse was 8.99! next year, i am making him one) simply because it is february 14th, but i do think that it is a day where it is important to make an extra effort with the one you love. this doesn't have to mean buying into the hallmark scheme. yes, it may mean buying them a card or flowers, but it may also be doing something as simple as writing them a quick list as to why you love them (easy), cooking them dinner if they normally take care of the meals (possibly a bit harder, depending on how awful you are in the kitchen), or just spending some good quality time together... maybe i am a cheeseball but i just know that no matter how much effort you normally put into your relationship, no matter how hard you attempt to make "everyday valentine's day", your significant other deserves a few days a year (anniversary, birthdays etc), valentine's day included, where they feel extra special loved...


sometimes, i wish that there was a feature on blogger that allowed you to see when things were written. i wrote the above portion of this blog on my lunch break at work yesterday and saved it as a draft, knowing that i would be adding to it later after we had carried out our valentine's day plans. well, not only is jesse a fabulous husband and person (yes, we all knew this already) but he is also an amazing valentine. not only did he get me a dozen beautiful red roses and chocolate (something that isn't exactly "jesse") he came home early from work to clean our house. i honestly don't know what meant more to me, the unexpected valentine's day gifts or the perfectly clean house (believe me, this was no small task, we were so busy this weekend that we missed our weekly "deep clean"). obviously, he knows me well enough to know that i need a few days a year when i feel extra special loved, and yesterday, without reading the above,  he definitely made me feel that way!

so, enough with the sappy stuff, onto the more exciting stuff - our handmade heart shaped pizzas... not only did they actually look like hearts but they are absolutely delicious!

my beautiful flowers

close up


our delicious toppings:
parmesan, feta, mozza, red & green peppers, green olives, tomatoes, pesto, tomato sauce, and garlic butter (for the crust!)

looks like we weren't the only ones drooling over the thought of pizza

putting together his pizza

jesse's pizza

my pizza (yes, it is a lot messier than his)

post bake - mmm mmm!
these pizzas were so easy and fun to make! next time we may even attempt to make our own pizza dough (this was premade pilsbury pizza dough but it was delicious and worked perfectly). this was the perfect way to have a little at-home-date on valentine's day with the one you love; it was fun to cook them together, customizing the pizzas to our exact liking, and eating them was even better!

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